Jean-Luc Ambrosi, author & customer strategist
Jean-Luc Ambrosi, author & customer strategist
The brand building handbook for business leaders


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The brand building handbook for business leaders

Branding to Differ provides a practical and comprehensive look at best practice branding for those requiring a real understanding of brand development and management. Ambrosi demonstrates that the brand is fundamentally a promise, that it impacts both the emotional and rationale mind, and that ultimately good branding is about expressing a difference.


Essential Reading

‘Branding to Differ’ is essential reading for those keen to master the art – and science – of building a brand. Instead of textbook theories, Ambrosi draws on his industry experience to challenge long-held myths around what creates or destroys a brand.
— Michelle Baltazar Head of Media & Publisher Financial Standard


The author

“Jean-Luc Ambrosi (BA Psychology, MA Marketing) is an award winning marketer who has built successful brands in the Australian and international financial landscape. He has forged a reputation of delivering exceptional results focusing on the customer experience far beyond the walls of marketing departments

His background in psychology lays the foundation to understand what drives customer, how to engage and communicate with them and how they fundamentally relate to brands. Central to his approach is his rejection of clichés and pre-packaged ideas, replaced by a practice based on building customer insights and segmentation, mastering customer engagement techniques, leveraging digital platforms, and an ability to create forward visions - for each organisation to be relevant and different.


Among his success stories he spectacularly transformed the NAB credit cards brand portfolio and devised the re-branding of Members Equity Bank into ME Bank. He launched and built the BlackRock brand in Australia and his strategic approach ensured Vanguard became one of the leading brands within the Australian asset management landscape.”

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